MADSEQ - An R package for mosaic aneuploidy detection

View the Project on GitHub ykong2/MADSEQ

Welcome to R/MADSEQ.

MADSEQ is an R package designed for mosaic aneuploidy detection and quantification using next generation sequencing data. MADSEQ package contains a group of hierarchical Bayesian models for the detection of different types of mosaic aneuploidy. These models use Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to sample posterior distribution for different parameters related to mosaic aneuploidy.

The MADSEQ package can be used for the following purpose:



The package could be installed by:

  1. Download TAR, and install it in R by:
  1. Install it from github using devtools:
install_github("ykong2/MADSEQ", build_vignettes=TRUE)

User Guide

The documentation of MADSEQ package can be found here. Please follow the instructions for the data preparation, model application and analysis.


For help, new feature request or report bug regarding MADSEQ package, please contact at